Can autonomy be a means of combating social inequalities ? Loneliness, for example, presupposes a certain autonomy, since it means not depending on others - - and this autonomy can help the individual maintain his or her independence from inegalitarian ideologies. A different approach is taken by Christophe Prémat, who writes : " Autonomy is the recognition that equality of conditions is to be constructed within a political contract to be reinvented in each era to correct the inequalities that persist in the social state. " In this way, inequalities become " the engine of social creativity[1] ", since new structures must constantly be established to combat the injustices caused by existing institutions. In my presentation, I will look at such innovative and creative examples, including some from other disciplines : in contemporary art, non-capitalist autonomy is being developed, while in contemporary philosophy, autonomy enables inequalities to be rethought. My aim will be to develop the potential of autonomy as a means of combating social inequalities.