Session 1 - International law and global and planetary change : power/impotence of law ?
Chair : Olivier de Frouville, Professor at Paris Panthéon-Assas University.
Chair : Olivier de Frouville, Professor at Paris Panthéon-Assas University.
I will show how we moderns, bearers of the idea of an infinite universe, have ended up shrinking our own planet, or rather its habitability. This is indeed the consequence of the average rise in temperature based on the current and historical distribution of populations on earth ; the phenomenon of humid heat ; the retreat of coastlines and other extreme events in general. What could be the consequences in terms of international law ?
Dominique Bourg is a philosopher and Honorary Professor at the University of Lausanne. He is editor of the PUF series " L'écologie en questions ", " Nouvelles terres " with Sophie Swaton, "Les grands textes de l'écologie" and the online journal La Pensée écologique.
Membership of : CFDD, Coppens Commission, CNDD, Grenelle de l'environnement, etc. ; scientific councils : Ademe (2004-2006), Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme (1998-2018 ; Paris), Organe de prospective de l'État de Vaud (2008-2017), Fondation Zoein (Geneva). Fields of research : political, economic, ecological and metaphysical aspects of sustainability, risks and the precautionary principle, ecological democracy. Recent publications : Primauté du vivant. Essai sur le pensable, PUF, 2021, with Sophie Swaton. With Jean Jouzel and Hervé Le Treut, Climat. Une enquête de la revue La Pensée écologique, PUF, 2023. Science et prudence, PUF, 2022, with Nicolas Bouleau.