As decipherers of everyday writings, papyrologists have the privilege of observing the past through the small eye of a spyglass. Shards inscribed in Greek found in the garbage cans of ancient forts between the Nile and the RedSea reveal unexpected aspects of garrison life in Greco-Roman antiquity, and portray the familiar interaction, sometimes affectionate, sometimes violent, between men and women and animals.
Hélène Cuvigny

Hélène Cuvigny, director of research emeritus at the CNRS (IRHT), has published numerous Greek and Latin documents from imperial quarries and Roman forts located in the Egyptian desert between the Nile and the RedSea. From 1994 to 2013, she directed the Mission archéologique française du désert Oriental (MAFDO) and continues to work as a papyrologist on the mission's excavations.