6:00-8:00 pm: Living beings and artifacts
Program proposed by the Anthropology of Life team
Introduction, by Perig Pitrou, anthropologist
Round Table 1: The origins of life
The observation of extra-solar planets and the exploration of the solar system, coupled with advances in biology and physical chemistry, have revived questions about the conditions for the appearance of life on Earth or a similar exoplanet. By presenting the most recent results in the field of planetology and the modeling of living systems, we will reflect, from an anthropological perspective, on the place of human techniques in the knowledge of living beings and the problems raised by the question of origin.
With Ludovic Jullien, chemist, ENS, PSL/Sorbonne Université, Stéphane Mazevet, astrophysicist, Observatoire de Paris, PSL, Perig Pitrou, anthropologist, CNRS, Collège de France/PSL.