Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


6:00-8:00 pm: Living beings and artifacts

Program proposed by the Anthropology of Life team

Introduction, by Perig Pitrou, anthropologist

Round Table 1: The origins of life

The observation of extra-solar planets and the exploration of the solar system, coupled with advances in biology and physical chemistry, have revived questions about the conditions for the appearance of life on Earth or a similar exoplanet. By presenting the most recent results in the field of planetology and the modeling of living systems, we will reflect, from an anthropological perspective, on the place of human techniques in the knowledge of living beings and the problems raised by the question of origin.

With Ludovic Jullien, chemist, ENS, PSL/Sorbonne Université, Stéphane Mazevet, astrophysicist, Observatoire de Paris, PSL, Perig Pitrou, anthropologist, CNRS, Collège de France/PSL.

Round Table 2: Life at work

In nature, life never ceases to transform organisms and ecosystems, producing a diversity of forms and colors that humans seek to understand, by highlighting regularities and general operating principles. In this quest for intelligibility, alongside scientific research, art, technique and ritual appear as practices in which human societies invent ways of observing, imitating and transforming living beings.

With Teresa Castro, film historian, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, Salvatore D'Onofrio, anthropologist, University of Palermo, Lia Giraud, artist, Lauren Kamili, anthropologist, EHESS/ADEME.

8:00-10:00 pm: Les vies des idées

Program proposed by La Vie des idées.

Introduction: How do ideas live? by Pauline Peretz, editor-in-chief at La Vie des idées.

Round-table 1: La vie spectrale, moderated by Etienne Peyrat, editor-in-chief at La Vie des idées, with Mathieu Orléan, curator of the Vampires exhibition at the Cinémathèque; Caroline Callard, historian, author of Le Temps des fantômes. Spectralités de l'âge moderne, and Stéphanie Sauget, historian specializing in the imaginary of space in contemporary times.

Round-table 2: Animal life, moderated by Ariel Suhamy, editorial secretary at La Vie des idées, with Fabien Carrié, research fellow at the Fonds de la recherche scientifique (Belgium), author-director of S'engager pour les animaux (Puf/Vie des idées), and Jérôme Michalon, research fellow at CNRS.

Round-table 3: Intellectual life, moderated by Sarah Al-Matary, editor-in-chief at La Vie des idées, with Jean-Marie Durand, journalist and author of Homo intellectus (La Découverte 2019), and Mathieu Hauchecorne, lecturer in political science.

10:00-11:15pm: Vitalities of the archive

Program proposed by Entre-Temps

How can we breathe new life into traces of the past? Four young researchers from the Entre-Temps editorial team, in dialogue with historian Philippe Artières, propose to show how they interact, as historians, with plural documentation. This process will reveal the revitalization of the archive in three stages: the time of search and discovery, of the first encounter with the archive; then the time of interpretation; and finally, the time of re-actualization of the fragments of the past brought to light.

With Gaëtan Bonnot, doctoral student and lecturer in history and computer science (Université Paris 1), Adrien Genoudet, writer, filmmaker and visual history researcher, Pauline Guillemet, doctoral student in history (Université Paris-Est Marne la Vallée / EHESS), Élisabeth Schmit, doctoral student in history (Université Paris 1) and Philippe Artières, director of research at EHESS.