Chairman : William Marx
Reading, deciphering, interpreting. Considering deciphering is an opportunity to revisit what we do when we " read " and, consequently, what writing is. We frequently use codes, and speak of deciphering to indicate a particular difficulty in " reading ", but doesn't the latter find the fulfilment of its dynamic in an interpretation ? Situating the singularity of deciphering also means reflecting on our hermeneutic practices, and questioning everything that might contain that little word read .
Documents and media
Denis Thouard

Denis Thouard, director of research at the CNRS (Centre Georg Simmel, EHESS/Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin), works on the question of interpretation, hermeneutic theory and the epistemology of the social sciences.
His publications include: Schleiermacher, Paris, Vrin, 2007; L'Interprétation des indices, Villeneuve d'Ascq, P. U. Septentrion 2007; Herméneutique critique. Bollack, Szondi, Celan, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Septentrion, 2012; L'Interprétation. Un dictionnaire philosophique, edited with Christian Berner, Paris, Vrin, 2015; Pourquoi ce poète? Le Celan des philosophes, Paris, Seuil, 2016; Et toute langue est étrangère. Le projet de Humboldt, Paris, Belles Lettres/Encre Marine, 2016; Herméneutiques contemporaines, Paris, Hermann, 2020; Liberté et religion, relire Benjamin Constant, Paris, CNRS, 2020; Goethe, le second auteur, ed. with Chr. König, Paris, Hermann, 2022.