Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


At a time when political decision-makers are relying more and more on the word of scientists to make their decisions and guide their policies, what place do citizens have in the democratic debate ? The shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, the meteoric rise of new technologies, the increasing stranglehold of large commercial groups on data, but also the multiplication of citizen initiatives in scientific matters and calls to apprehend science in all its diversity, demand answers that human rights protection mechanisms are still struggling to outline and impose : what are the contours of people's participation in science, with what consequences, are we all scientists, and what remains of the expertise needed in this field ? This conference will attempt to provide some answers, drawing on recent developments in international human rights law in this field.

The views expressed at this conference will be in a personal capacity.


Dr Mylène Bidault Abdulle