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See also:
Painting by Henri Testelin depicting Colbert presenting the members of the Académie des Sciences to Louis XIV
Painting by Henri Testelin depicting Colbert presenting the members of the Académie des Sciences to Louis XIV.

Echoing the title of this year's lecture, the title of the seminar is a double-entendre : it will address both " droit en science " and " science en droit ". The questions addressed throughout the seminar will illustrate both aspects of the relationship between law and science. In the first time, we will discuss :the human right to participate in science, the legal regime of academic freedom, the legal status of indigenous knowledge and its own normativity, or the encounter between Western copyright and creative practice in sub-SaharanAfrica . On the other hand, and in a second time, we will be discussing : the place of science in climate trials, the role of technical normalization and standardization in law, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, or the interaction, or even fusion, between law and technology in the context of the fight against terrorism and new surveillance technologies.


Pr Olivier Beaud, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas ; Dr Mylène Bidault Abdulle, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations, Geneva ; Pr Philippe Descola, Collège de France, Paris ; Pr Mamadou Diawara, University of Frankfurt & Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa, Accra ; Pr Benoît Frydman, Université libre de Bruxelles & Académie royale de Belgique ; Pr Helen Keller, University of Zurich & former Swiss judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg   ; Pr Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, École de droit, Sciences Po, Paris.

In conjunction with the seminar, at the invitation of the Collège de France assembly and as part of an exchange between the Collège de France and Tokyo College, Pr Sayaka Oki, University of Tokyo, will give a lecture on March 13 2024 on L'institutionnalisation de la liberté académique dans l'histoire comparée des institutions savantes en France, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne et au Japon.