Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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"The real way is over a rope stretched not in space, but low to the ground. It seems destined more to trip than to be traversed."
Franz Kafka

Philippe Lançon

Philippe Lançon

Philippe Lançon, 58, is a journalist and literary critic at Libération, columnist at Charlie Hebdo, and writer. On January 7, 2015, he was the victim of the attack on Charlie Hebdo. In the months that followed, while in hospital, he read, among others,Kafka's Letters to Milena .Some of these letters are evoked in the book in which he recounts his experience, Le Lambeau (Gallimard, Prix Femina 2018). He has also published two novels, Les îles (Lattès, 2011), l'Élan (Gallimard, 2013).


Philippe Lançon