Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


Given a finite group G, we can look at two natural rings, namely the center of the group algebra and the character ring. In the case G = GL(n,q), the geometry of character varieties (or moduli spaces of semi-stable parabolic Higgs fibers) allows us to understand generically the links between the structure coefficients of these two rings. In this talk, we will discuss the latest developments.

Emmanuel Letellier

Emmanuel Letellier

Emmanuel Letellier has been a professor at Université Paris Cité since 2015. He was previously a lecturer at the University of Caen. His research interests revolve around arithmetic Fourier transforms and their applications to representation theory and the study of the geometry of certain moduli spaces (Higgs fibers, character varieties, quiver varieties).


Emmanuel Letellier

Professor, Université Paris Cité