Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In this lecture, Laurent Billon will introduce the concepts of biomimicry and bio-inspiration for materials. These concepts will then be explained through examples of his research on microgels inspired by marine sponges, which led to the creation of the start-up BIOMIM'Gel, the " Color without dyes " and the " Photosynthèse artificielle ". Combining functionalities, structures, architectures and manufacturing processes, all this work aims to minimize environmental impact and promote the vision of biomimicry as a lever for training and responsible, social innovation.

Laurent Billon

Laurent Billon

Laurent Billon obtained his PhD in polymer chemistry in 1996. After two postdocs at Rhône-Poulenc and Arkema USA, he became a lecturer at UPPA in 1999. He is an exceptional professor, head of the Bio-Inspired Materials Master's program and leader of the Bio-Inspired Materials group : functionalities & self-assembly at UPPA. He is coordinator of national and international research projects such as the H2020 ITN EJD eSCALED project(EuropeanSchoolon Artificial Leaf : electrodes and devices) with ten partners from eight European countries. He is the author of one hundred and sixty-five scientific publications (H-index = 41), four book chapters and co-editor of the book Macromolecular Self-Assembly (Wiley), forty invited lectures at international conferences and nineteen patents. From 2016 to 2022, he was a visiting professor in the University Immersion Program at Sichuan University (Chengdu, China). He is a member of the CEEBIOS Scientific Council and is on the Scientific and Civil Committee of the exhibition at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in La Villette " Bio-inspired : another approach ". The main applications of his research are dedicated to bio-inspired materials for cosmetics/healthcare, and in recent years to energy solutions such as artificial photosynthesis.


Laurent Billon

University Professor, Université de Pau et Pays Adour, IPREM, UPPA
