Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


This seminar will illustrate how modeling the Earth system helps us understand the climatic changes our planet has undergone over its long history. In particular, we'll look at the principles that regulate temperatures and the hydrological cycle over billions, millions and hundreds of thousands of years, making it possible to sustain life on Earth. However, mankind has become a major factor in climate change, with the characteristic that its effects on the environment are dazzling and ultimately threaten mankind. In this lecture, we will compare long-term, natural changes with the anthropogenic changes underway.

Gilles Ramstein

Gilles Ramsteins

Gilles Ramstein is Director of Research at LSCE. He is an expert on past, present and future climate issues. He has edited several popular books on climate, such as Voyage à travers les climats de la Terre (2015) published by Odile Jacob, and more recently Le Climat en 100 questions (2020) published by Tallandier, with Sylvestre Huet. He also coordinated Springer Verlag'stwo-volume   Paleoclimatology (2020) with over fifty authors. His specialty is climate modeling, mainly for past periods, but also on health aspects and vector-borne disease dispersion for the 21st century. He also hosts a podcast " Le Climat en Questions " on climate issues in the broadest sense, with fifty episodes already produced. He also initiated and is heavily involved in training journalists through theonlineMaster  2" Climate and Media ".


Gilles Ramstein

Research Director CEA/LSCE