Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Closing lecture

The social and ecological crisis will not be solved by dismantling the welfare state, or by trying to restore it as a historical monument. It's by rethinking its architecture in the light of the world as it is and as we would like it to be. And, today as yesterday, the keystone will be the status accorded to work.
Faced with the moral, social, ecological and financial bankruptcy of neoliberalism, the horizon for work in the21stcentury is that of its emancipation from the exclusive reign of the commodity. As the case of research work shows, the professional statuses that have resisted the dynamics of the Total Market are not the fossils of a world destined to disappear, but rather the seeds of a truly human work regime that makes room for the meaning and content of work - that is, the accomplishment of a work.

The closing lecture is available in several languages

  • Labour is not a commodity: The content and meaning of work in the twenty-first century (traduction anglaise)

    Supiot A., Labour is not a commodity: The content and meaning of work in the twenty-first century, « International Labour Review », vol. 160 (2021) n° 1, pp. 1-20.

  • El trabajo no es una mercancía. Contenido y sentido del trabajo en el siglo XXI (traduction espagnole)

    Supiot A., El trabajo no es una mercancía. Contenido y sentido del trabajo en el siglo XXI, Santa Fé (Argentine) Ediciones Universidad del Litoral, 2020, trad. Gonzalo Sozzo, préface Adrian Goldin, 56 p. ISBN : 9789877492491 ; 2e édition Buenos-Aires, Siglo XXI, 124 p. ISBN : 9789878011950 (complété en seconde partie par la traduction espagnole de La justice au travail. Quelques leçons de l’histoire). Édition numérique en libre accès OpenEditions Books EAN électronique 9782722606319.

  • Η εργασία δεν είναι εμπόρευμα: Το περιεχόμενο και το νόημα της εργασίας στον 21ο αιώνα (traduction grecque)

    Supiot A., Η εργασία δεν είναι εμπόρευμα: Το περιεχόμενο και το νόημα της εργασίας στον 21ο αιώνα. Επιθεώρησις Εργατικού Δικαίου (« Revue de droit du travail ») tome 79, 10/2020, trad. Evangelos Angelopoulos, pp. 1131-1151. ISSN 1107-0439.

  • Il lavoro non è una merce. Contenuto e significato del lavoro nel Ventunesimo secolo (traduction italienne)

    Supiot A., Il lavoro non è una merce. Contenuto e significato del lavoro nel Ventunesimo secolo, « Sociologia del lavoro », n. 164/2022. I, pp. 7-29, ISSN 972-554X.

  • Praca nie jest towarem. Treść i znaczenie pracy w XXI wieku (traduction polonaise)

    Supiot A., Praca nie jest towarem. Treść i znaczenie pracy w XXI wieku, trad. Maria Schneider, préface Anna Musiała, Poznań, Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu 2022, 71 p. ISBN 9788396663405.