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As usual, the original texts can be found in the downloadable PDF below.

What is the process that makes daēuuas reprobate sacrificers?

It was explained in Y 30.6 and is still reflected in Y 32.5. Y 30.6 attests to the following causal chain: 1. the daēuuas are victims of an illusion(dab-), 2. they don't properly differentiate(vi-ci-) between the two mainiius, 3. they choose(var-) the wrong triad, 4. they run to Aēšma "Fury". The effect of this chain is that they drag men into their error.

Y 30.6: Of these two mainiius, the gods especially do not distinguish well, for delusion befalls them when they deliberate. As they choose the worst Thought, they run to unite with Fury, with which they infect the state-of-existence of the master of men.

Y 32.5: you lure man about the good life and immortality, as when the bad mainiiu and the (bad) deed, with the bad thought and the bad word, (things) with which (man) can identify the deceiver, (lure you, you,) the daēuuas.

The term aēnah (ved. enas-)

This is a gāthic word, more frequent in the GA. The term is mentioned insistently in Y 32 in stanzas 6 to 8 (6: manyaēnah and 7-8: word marked by the demonstrative):

Y 32.6: Thou knowest by good Thought, O Ahura, the many aēnahs.... In the place where your power is exercised, O Mazdā, the sǝ̄ṇgha must be exposed, for you and for the Agency.

Y 32.7: In accessing (this place), I declare that I do not know those of these aēnahs who are defined..., who srāuuī... and of whom you are, O Ahura Mazdā, the one who best spots the rest.

Y 32.8: For these aēnahs srāuuī the son of Vīuuaŋvhaṇt, Yima, who, seeking to please our maṣ̌iias, ... I associate myself, O Mazdā, with your ability to discern them (from ...).

Unfortunately, it is difficult to fully understand since, on the one hand, stanza 6 shows the marks of a transmission accident and, on the other, stanza 8 alludes to an old Indo-Iranian myth with the mention of Yima, but the hemistiche b' is strictly incomprehensible.