Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In La Recherche, Proust entrusts Madame de Villeparisis with the role of spokeswoman for Sainte-Beuve, whose ideas and tastes she shares. Born of the same generation, her role models were Madame de Beaulaincourt, Chateaubriand's former mistress, and the Countess de Boigne, famous for her Mémoires, with whom Proust was very familiar. Present as early as the draft of the Contre Sainte-Beuve, the marquise, who has always existed in the genesis of La Recherche, embodies the persistence and survival of the essay in the novel. This character, who holds " an office of wit ", is the subject of an ambivalent portrait. The narrator presents this friend of his grandmother's as a benevolent and generous woman, while at the same time decrying the literary judgments of this " lettrée " who " jug[e] tout à faux ".