Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

The closing lecture of the Focus on was intended to remind us of the problematic aspects of energy storage and conversion, but above all to provide a synthetic analysis of i) the intrinsic problems linked to the efficiency of the various energy chains, ii) the approaches and scientific trends pursued, and iii) the structuring of research to estimate the chances of meeting our 2050 energy challenge, which calls for minimal consumption of fossil fuels.

A simple exercise first consisted, on the basis of the efficiencies displayed during the lecture, for i) the conversion of solar energy into energy carriers (electricity, hydrogen, biofuels) and ii) the conversion of chemical energy into electricity, in establishing the final energy balances of different energy scenarios ranging from the well (solar energy) to the wheel (electric vehicles). Such considerations, although approximate, indicate that the energy efficiency of the scenario [sun → photovoltaic cell  →  power grid  →    → battery  electric vehicle] is ≈ 10%, compared with ≈ 2.8% and ≈ 0.05% for the respective scenarios [solar-hydrogen-electric vehicle] and [solar-bio-electric vehicle], while the current scenario [gasoline →  thermal vehicle] has an energy efficiency of 18%. In this context, given the falling price of solar energy (equal to that of nuclear power in 2035) and the kWh battery cost, the winning trio for the future would appear to be photovoltaic  →  battery  →  electric vehicle.
