Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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This law can be expressed as follows. Initially we have 2 morphogens, for example dorsal and ventral like BMP and Shh in the nerve tube, more generally, A and B. A induces HA and B induces HB, both homeogens, but HA represses HB and HB represses HA. This can result in the expression of 2 gradients, an HA gradient and an HB gradient. These two transcription factors may be transiently expressed in the same cells, but because they are reciprocal self-activators and inhibitors (our general law), the winner takes all and, barring an additional regulatory element allowing co-existence, an edge is formed. It's quite clear here that this edge admits a certain variability due to fluctuations, unless we invoke an element ensuring greater robustness.

But we know how to form a pattern with a single morphogen. We have even admitted that, in the case of the nerve tube, the invention of the second morphogen (Shh) responds to an enlargement of the structure that renders the first morphogen (BMP) inoperative because it cannot diffuse far enough. In such a case, how can we make an edge except to imagine that the gradient of A translates into the expression of HA1, HA2, HA3 homeogens (class A), as in Wolpert's French flag model, i.e. with thresholds? But thresholds admit a certain level of variability which means that the edge can only be sharp if we add an additional hypothesis. As in the previous case, we propose that even activates even, odd activates odd and that even and odd inhibit each other. The previous case then becomes a variant of the second case, with class A and class B.