Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Who founded Assyriology? For Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, who was Chief Curator of West Asian Antiquities at the British Museum from 1894 to 1924, there's no doubt: the credit goes to the English, and the founder of Assyriology is Sir Henry Rawlinson. Yet the latterhimselfunderlinedtheeminent role of Jules Oppert, a French citizen of German origin, in his inaugural address to the Second International Congress of Orientalists in London in September 1874: "If anyone has the right to claim the paternity of Assyrian science as it now exists, it is certainly this eminent scholar..." Rawlinson was then sixty-four; Oppert only forty-nine, and he had been appointed Professor at the Collège de France just a few months earlier. So what was the story behind this apparent Franco-British rivalry? That's what we saw in the first two lectures.