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So why did you choose to work on the history of Assyriology this year? No doubt out of a desire for a change, after two years spent studying Babylonia under Hammu-rabi's successors. More than that, out of a desire not to focus too exclusively on the Palaeo-Babylonian world, to which my lectures have been devoted for the past four years. Docet omnia: the motto of the Collège de France is generally understood to mean that all disciplines must be taughthere . But each of our Chairs can also apply this motto to itself, dealing with subjects as varied as possible, within the limits of our competence of course. My choice for this year is a continuation of the historiographical studies I've been carrying out for the past twenty years. It was also inspired by three recent commemorations: the 150th anniversary of theÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études, founded in 1868; the 90th anniversary of the discovery of Ugarit in 1929; and the more discreet 85th anniversary of the discovery of Mari in 1933.


[1] The manuscript of the book resulting from this teaching has already been submitted to the publisher; it was scheduled for publication in 2022 in the Docet omnia series, co-published by the Collège de France and Belles-Lettres.
