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People Edmond Malinvaud Professor at the Collège de France Born in Limoges on April 25 1923, married, two children. Died on March 7 2015. Education École Polytechnique alumnus Administrative career 1946-1987 : Administrator, then Inspector General of INSEE 1962-1966 : Director, École Nationale de la Statistique …
People Jacques Livage Professor at the Collège de France Born on October 26 1938 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Married, two children. Education and professional career 1960 : Engineer, École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris 1960 : Assistant at ENSCP 1966 : Doctorat d'État, Université Paris-Sorbonne 1974 : …
People Catherine Llorens-Cortes Emeritus Research Director at Inserm and Collège de France Director of INSERM Unit U691, created in 2004 within the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB) at Collège de France, Catherine Llorens-Cortes is a neuroendocrinologist and neuropharmacologist. Since the beginning of her scientific …
People Sylvain Arlot CNRS Research Fellow A CNRS research fellow, he has been invited by the Assemblée des Professeurs to give a series of lessons on the following topic: "Model selection and estimator selection for statistical learning", from January 10 to 31, 2011. Sylvain Arlot is the …
People André Lichnerowicz Professor at the Collège de France Born in Bourbon l'Archambault, January 21 1915. Died December 11 1998. Training and professional career 1937-1941 : Research associate, then research fellow at CNRS 1941-1949 : Lecturer, then Professor of Rational Mechanics at the Strasbourg Faculty of …
People Daniel Lincot Visiting Professor, Collège de France, IRDEP (CNRS-EDF-Chimie ParisTech), Chatou Daniel Lincot, born in 1954, is a CNRS researcher and has been involved in photovoltaic solar energy research since 1978, where he has contributed to significant advances. His specialty is the interface between chemistry, materials and photovoltaics. He …
People Éric de Chassey Director of the French Academy in Rome - Villa Medici. Professor at the École normale supérieure de Lyon
People Alessio Figalli Mathematician, Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Alessio Figalli is winner of the Peccot prize and lecture for 2011-2012, and Fields Medal winner in 2018. …
People Jean-Pierre Devroey Professor Emeritus, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Managing Director of the Belgian College of the Royal Academy of Belgium