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Philippe Descola, chair Anthropology of nature International Symposium A and P Sommer Foundation LAS / APRAS June 22, 23 and 24, 2011 Collège de France 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris Presentation Social anthropology has always included nature and animals in its field of study, since every … Published on 24 May 2011 News Monday, May 23, 2011, Collège de France in Aubervilliers - Mme Delmas-Marty Collège de France Work: an expression of the human being Work and globalization Mireille Delmas-Marty Professor at the Collège de France Chair in Comparative Legal Studies and the Internationalization of Law 7:00 pm, Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers 44 rue Léopold … Published on 18 May 2011 News Colloquium by Prof. Kellens, June 9-10, 2011 - Yama/Yima : Indo-Iranian variations on the mythical gesture Jean Kellens, chair Indo-Iranian languages and religions Program Thursday, June 9th 9:00 - 9:25: Jean Kellens (Collège de France) "Introduction to the symposium themes symposium " 9 h 25 - 10 h 05 : Charles Malamoud (École Pratique des Hautes Études) " Gémellité du Yama indien " (Gemellity of the Indian Yama) … Published on 16 May 2011 News Colloquium organized by Prof. Ossola on June 7 and 8, 2011 - Mystique. Continuation of a project : texts and collections Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe June 7 and 8, 2011 Collège de France Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris The seminar Pour un vocabulaire mystique au XVIIème siècle (2001, proceedings published in Turin in 2004) opened with Antonio Ricciardi's words: … Published on 16 May 2011 News Friday, April 29, 2011. Study day: Another Marivaux? Collège de France Republic of Letters - Respublica Literaria.UPS 3285 ENS, 45 rue d'Ulm. 75005 Paris Salle Weil, April 29, 2011, 2:30 pm The 20th-century rediscovery of Marivaux as a playwright who, along with Beaumarchais, became the emblem of French comic theater during … Published on 12 April 2011 News Monday, April 11, 2011, conference by Pr Gérard Berry in Tunis Gérard Berry, chair Algorithms, machines and languages Collège de France conferences in Tunisia Conference: The mental inversions of computing, roots of the digital revolution The lecture will be followed by discussions and broadcast by videoconference to the Palais des Sciences in Monastir and the faculties … Published on 30 March 2011 News Monday, March 14 2011, Collège de France in Aubervilliers - Roger Guesnerie Roger Guesnerie, chair Economic theory and social organization Work and the economy Roger Guesnerie, Professor at the Collège de France, chair Economic theory and social organization 7 pm at Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers 2 rue Edouard Poisson (metro Quatre Chemins, bus 150,170) Musical program Grand duo … Published on 10 March 2011 News march 7, 2011. Colloque de Mireille Delmas-Marty - Paris in America Collège de France Paris in America is the title of the English version of a philosophical novel published in 1863 by the Collège de France jurist and founder of the Société de législation comparée, Edouard Laboulaye. Under the name René Lefebvre, this plea for liberty and … Published on 1 March 2011 News Prof. Anselm Kiefer's seminars in Barjac (Gard) and Croissy Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) Collège de France As these are private premises, there is no access for people with reduced mobility Friday, March 25, 2011 Croissy-Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) As part of his lectures at the Collège de France, Anselm Kiefer relocates one of his seminars to his studios at … Published on 10 February 2011 News Prof. Anselm Kiefer's seminars in Barjac (Gard) and Croissy Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) Anselm Kiefer, chair Artistic creation Friday, March 25, 2011 Croissy-Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) As part of his lectures at the Collège de France, Anselm Kiefer relocates one of his seminars to his studio in Croissy-Beaubourg (Seine et Marne), with a visit to the workshop. More information … Published on 9 February 2011 News Monday, February 7, Collège de France Mondays at Aubervilliers - Antoine Compagnon Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, criticism, theory Work: an expression of the human being The writer at work Antoine Compagnon Professor at the Collège de France Modern and contemporary French literature 7:00 pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers 2 rue Edouard Poisson (metro Quatre Chemins, bus … Published on 2 February 2011 News On February 4, 5 and 6, 2011, the Collège de France will be taking part in the5th Salon du livre des sciences humaines Collège de France Books and ideas for understanding the world After having explored the theme of humanism in 2010, the Fondation Maison de sciences de l'homme has chosen, for the fifth edition of this major gathering of publishers, to open the debates to questions of … Published on 10 January 2011 News Collège de France pays tribute to Jacqueline de Romilly, who died on December 18, 2010 Collège de France Life and work of Jacqueline de Romilly, Chair of Greece and the formation of moral and political thought (1973-1984) By Professor Denis Knoepfler, Chair of Epigraphy and the History of Greek … Published on 22 December 2010 News Le Golfe dans tous ses états, cycle des conférences publiques 2011 : IISMM-Collège de France Collège de France January 4 - May 31, 2011 Amphithéâtre de l'EHESS, 105 bd Raspail - 75006 Paris Opening hours : 18h00-20h00 Free admission january 4 A territory without history? The Arabian Gulf shore from the advent of Islam to the age of oil Éric Vallet, Senior … Published on 20 December 2010 News Interruption of lectures Collège de France From Monday, December 20, 2010 to Monday, January 3, 2011 , the Collège de France will be closed. … Published on 20 December 2010 News Saturday, December 18, 2010, lecture by Pr. Michel Zink Collège de France The birth of Romance literature in the Middle Ages Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 3 pm Conference organized in partnership with the Friends of the Tours Fine Arts Library and Museum. Bibliothèque Municipale 2 bis avenue André-Malraux 37000 Tours … Published on 16 December 2010 News End-of-year library closures Libraries and archives Interlibrary Loan Service: from December 17 evening to January 3 morning General Library: from December 23 evening to January 3 morning Byzantine Library: from December 23 evening to January 3 a.m Laboratoire d'Anthropologie sociale library: from December … Published on 14 December 2010 News december 13, 2010. Collège de France Mondays at Aubervilliers - Roger Chartier Collège de France Work: the expression of the human being Printing: work and knowledge by Prof. Roger Chartier Professor at the Collège de France Writing and cultures in modern Europe 7pm, Lycée le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers 44 rue Léopold Réchossière (metro Quatre Chemins, … Published on 9 December 2010 News Monday November 15, Lundis du Collège de France - Yves Clot, Work and the power to act Collège de France Work and the power to act Yves Clot Professor at CNAM Chair of Occupational Psychology 7pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers 2 rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170) Musical program Isis Balick, cello Cécile Boyer-Borie, viola … Published on 10 November 2010 News Cycle 2010-2011. Collège de France lectures in Tunisia Collège de France The Collège de France lectures are part of the 2010/2011 "Sciences en questions" program organized by the Institut Français de Coopération. Free admission The lectures will be followed by debates and broadcast by videoconference on different university … Published on 9 November 2010 News Tuesday, November 16, 2010, Colloque Ponce Pilate organized by Pr. Ossola Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Tuesday, November 16, 2010 9:30-13:00: Pontius Pilate. Stories, traditions, myths - Carlo Ossola, Collège de France - Giacomo Jori, Université de la Vallée d'Aoste A few words of introduction - John Scheid, Collège de France Pontius Pilate, Roman official … Published on 29 October 2010 News November 25, 2010, Reading of Dante's Purgatory, by Silvio Orlando Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Reading Mr. Silvio Orlando, actor Invited by Professor Carlo Ossola, will read passages from Dante's Purgatory - in Italian* - on Thursday November 25, 2010 , at the Collège de France (11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris 5e), in the Marguerite de Navarre … Published on 29 October 2010 News Thursday November 4, 2010 at 2 pm, rue d'Ulm, lecture by Pr. Peter Kornicki - Hayashi Razan (1583-1657) and the art of explaining classical Chinese texts to Japanese readers Collège de France Lecture by Peter Kornicki , Professor at the University of Cambridge (UK), invited as part of the New Lecture Series of the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie Orientale CRCAO Venue: Collège de France - site Ulm 3 rue … Published on 28 October 2010 Pagination First page Previous page … Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Current page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 … Next page Last page
News Colloquium on June 6 and 7 with Prof. Elster. " The neutral third party in conflict resolution " Jon Elster, chair Rationality and social sciences International Symposium Organized with M. Adam Przeworski June 6 and 7, 2011 Collège de France Salle des Conférences 3, rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris Program Monday June 6th 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m The Neutral Third Party: an introductory exchange - Adam PRZEWORSKI … Published on 25 May 2011
News June 22, 23 and 24, international symposium with Prof. Descola. A " animalistic turn " in anthropology ? Philippe Descola, chair Anthropology of nature International Symposium A and P Sommer Foundation LAS / APRAS June 22, 23 and 24, 2011 Collège de France 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris Presentation Social anthropology has always included nature and animals in its field of study, since every … Published on 24 May 2011
News Monday, May 23, 2011, Collège de France in Aubervilliers - Mme Delmas-Marty Collège de France Work: an expression of the human being Work and globalization Mireille Delmas-Marty Professor at the Collège de France Chair in Comparative Legal Studies and the Internationalization of Law 7:00 pm, Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers 44 rue Léopold … Published on 18 May 2011
News Colloquium by Prof. Kellens, June 9-10, 2011 - Yama/Yima : Indo-Iranian variations on the mythical gesture Jean Kellens, chair Indo-Iranian languages and religions Program Thursday, June 9th 9:00 - 9:25: Jean Kellens (Collège de France) "Introduction to the symposium themes symposium " 9 h 25 - 10 h 05 : Charles Malamoud (École Pratique des Hautes Études) " Gémellité du Yama indien " (Gemellity of the Indian Yama) … Published on 16 May 2011
News Colloquium organized by Prof. Ossola on June 7 and 8, 2011 - Mystique. Continuation of a project : texts and collections Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe June 7 and 8, 2011 Collège de France Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris The seminar Pour un vocabulaire mystique au XVIIème siècle (2001, proceedings published in Turin in 2004) opened with Antonio Ricciardi's words: … Published on 16 May 2011
News Friday, April 29, 2011. Study day: Another Marivaux? Collège de France Republic of Letters - Respublica Literaria.UPS 3285 ENS, 45 rue d'Ulm. 75005 Paris Salle Weil, April 29, 2011, 2:30 pm The 20th-century rediscovery of Marivaux as a playwright who, along with Beaumarchais, became the emblem of French comic theater during … Published on 12 April 2011
News Monday, April 11, 2011, conference by Pr Gérard Berry in Tunis Gérard Berry, chair Algorithms, machines and languages Collège de France conferences in Tunisia Conference: The mental inversions of computing, roots of the digital revolution The lecture will be followed by discussions and broadcast by videoconference to the Palais des Sciences in Monastir and the faculties … Published on 30 March 2011
News Monday, March 14 2011, Collège de France in Aubervilliers - Roger Guesnerie Roger Guesnerie, chair Economic theory and social organization Work and the economy Roger Guesnerie, Professor at the Collège de France, chair Economic theory and social organization 7 pm at Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers 2 rue Edouard Poisson (metro Quatre Chemins, bus 150,170) Musical program Grand duo … Published on 10 March 2011
News march 7, 2011. Colloque de Mireille Delmas-Marty - Paris in America Collège de France Paris in America is the title of the English version of a philosophical novel published in 1863 by the Collège de France jurist and founder of the Société de législation comparée, Edouard Laboulaye. Under the name René Lefebvre, this plea for liberty and … Published on 1 March 2011
News Prof. Anselm Kiefer's seminars in Barjac (Gard) and Croissy Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) Collège de France As these are private premises, there is no access for people with reduced mobility Friday, March 25, 2011 Croissy-Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) As part of his lectures at the Collège de France, Anselm Kiefer relocates one of his seminars to his studios at … Published on 10 February 2011
News Prof. Anselm Kiefer's seminars in Barjac (Gard) and Croissy Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) Anselm Kiefer, chair Artistic creation Friday, March 25, 2011 Croissy-Beaubourg (Seine et Marne) As part of his lectures at the Collège de France, Anselm Kiefer relocates one of his seminars to his studio in Croissy-Beaubourg (Seine et Marne), with a visit to the workshop. More information … Published on 9 February 2011
News Monday, February 7, Collège de France Mondays at Aubervilliers - Antoine Compagnon Antoine Compagnon, chair Modern and contemporary French literature : history, criticism, theory Work: an expression of the human being The writer at work Antoine Compagnon Professor at the Collège de France Modern and contemporary French literature 7:00 pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers 2 rue Edouard Poisson (metro Quatre Chemins, bus … Published on 2 February 2011
News On February 4, 5 and 6, 2011, the Collège de France will be taking part in the5th Salon du livre des sciences humaines Collège de France Books and ideas for understanding the world After having explored the theme of humanism in 2010, the Fondation Maison de sciences de l'homme has chosen, for the fifth edition of this major gathering of publishers, to open the debates to questions of … Published on 10 January 2011
News Collège de France pays tribute to Jacqueline de Romilly, who died on December 18, 2010 Collège de France Life and work of Jacqueline de Romilly, Chair of Greece and the formation of moral and political thought (1973-1984) By Professor Denis Knoepfler, Chair of Epigraphy and the History of Greek … Published on 22 December 2010
News Le Golfe dans tous ses états, cycle des conférences publiques 2011 : IISMM-Collège de France Collège de France January 4 - May 31, 2011 Amphithéâtre de l'EHESS, 105 bd Raspail - 75006 Paris Opening hours : 18h00-20h00 Free admission january 4 A territory without history? The Arabian Gulf shore from the advent of Islam to the age of oil Éric Vallet, Senior … Published on 20 December 2010
News Interruption of lectures Collège de France From Monday, December 20, 2010 to Monday, January 3, 2011 , the Collège de France will be closed. … Published on 20 December 2010
News Saturday, December 18, 2010, lecture by Pr. Michel Zink Collège de France The birth of Romance literature in the Middle Ages Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 3 pm Conference organized in partnership with the Friends of the Tours Fine Arts Library and Museum. Bibliothèque Municipale 2 bis avenue André-Malraux 37000 Tours … Published on 16 December 2010
News End-of-year library closures Libraries and archives Interlibrary Loan Service: from December 17 evening to January 3 morning General Library: from December 23 evening to January 3 morning Byzantine Library: from December 23 evening to January 3 a.m Laboratoire d'Anthropologie sociale library: from December … Published on 14 December 2010
News december 13, 2010. Collège de France Mondays at Aubervilliers - Roger Chartier Collège de France Work: the expression of the human being Printing: work and knowledge by Prof. Roger Chartier Professor at the Collège de France Writing and cultures in modern Europe 7pm, Lycée le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers 44 rue Léopold Réchossière (metro Quatre Chemins, … Published on 9 December 2010
News Monday November 15, Lundis du Collège de France - Yves Clot, Work and the power to act Collège de France Work and the power to act Yves Clot Professor at CNAM Chair of Occupational Psychology 7pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers 2 rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170) Musical program Isis Balick, cello Cécile Boyer-Borie, viola … Published on 10 November 2010
News Cycle 2010-2011. Collège de France lectures in Tunisia Collège de France The Collège de France lectures are part of the 2010/2011 "Sciences en questions" program organized by the Institut Français de Coopération. Free admission The lectures will be followed by debates and broadcast by videoconference on different university … Published on 9 November 2010
News Tuesday, November 16, 2010, Colloque Ponce Pilate organized by Pr. Ossola Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Tuesday, November 16, 2010 9:30-13:00: Pontius Pilate. Stories, traditions, myths - Carlo Ossola, Collège de France - Giacomo Jori, Université de la Vallée d'Aoste A few words of introduction - John Scheid, Collège de France Pontius Pilate, Roman official … Published on 29 October 2010
News November 25, 2010, Reading of Dante's Purgatory, by Silvio Orlando Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Reading Mr. Silvio Orlando, actor Invited by Professor Carlo Ossola, will read passages from Dante's Purgatory - in Italian* - on Thursday November 25, 2010 , at the Collège de France (11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris 5e), in the Marguerite de Navarre … Published on 29 October 2010
News Thursday November 4, 2010 at 2 pm, rue d'Ulm, lecture by Pr. Peter Kornicki - Hayashi Razan (1583-1657) and the art of explaining classical Chinese texts to Japanese readers Collège de France Lecture by Peter Kornicki , Professor at the University of Cambridge (UK), invited as part of the New Lecture Series of the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l'Asie Orientale CRCAO Venue: Collège de France - site Ulm 3 rue … Published on 28 October 2010