Passage of disciplines


Global history of the Collège de France, 19th and 20th centuries

" Passage des disciplines " has been undertaken since 2012 thanks to support from CNRS, Fondation Hugot, Fondation du Collège de France, UAR 3608 "République des savoirs" and PSL (" Arts et Humanités numériques ", 2013-2014, and " Appel à projets dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales ", 2017-2019). This program focuses on the definition of scientific and literary disciplines, their organization and evolution, on a national and international scale, in the 19th and 20th centuries, based on the history of chair renewals at the Collège de France. The Collège de France is a privileged observatory, as the juxtaposition and redistribution of knowledge are statutory. One of the program's key objectives is to study the institutional interactions that have shaped knowledge and disciplines. It is organized around the " reports " submitted to the Assembly of Professors in defense of the chair proposals, which, among other sources, enable us to examine the formation and circulation of knowledge, not limiting ourselves to the chairs selected, nor to the frameworks of a single establishment of knowledge. This analysis of proposals for validated and non-validated professorships at the Collège de France, in the broader context of higher education and research, can reveal as yet unknown issues, in the medium and long term, and shed light on the prior and contemporary formation of disciplines.

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