Chair menu
- Presentation
- november 2017: Writing world history in the 16th century
- March 2017: Thoughts of the end of the world
- January 2017 : Alexandre's stories
- December 2016 : Music and dictatorship
- november 2016: Europe and China
- October 2016 : Mediterranean cosmopolitanism
- May 2016: Cervantes
- April 2016 : Shakespeare
- March 2016 : The image of religion
- February 2016 : The Good Thief
- January 2016 : Writing the history of science
- december 2015: Witchcraft in Manila
- Presentation
- november 2017: Writing world history in the 16th century
- March 2017: Thoughts of the end of the world
- January 2017 : Alexandre's stories
- December 2016 : Music and dictatorship
- november 2016: Europe and China
- October 2016 : Mediterranean cosmopolitanism
- May 2016: Cervantes
- April 2016 : Shakespeare
- March 2016 : The image of religion
- February 2016 : The Good Thief
- January 2016 : Writing the history of science
- december 2015: Witchcraft in Manila
" It seemed to me that the Collège de France website, a magnificent tool for the transmission of knowledge, could, or should, take on the task of providing a forum for discussion of the latest research. Under the title "Débats d'histoire" and, for the time being, within the framework of my Chair in Writing and Cultures in Modern Europe, these exchanges, based on recent publications, will make known works that deepen our knowledge of the past and transform our ways of thinking, writing or reading history. These will not be lectures or seminars made accessible at a distance by their recording, but - as in a radio program - conversations between researchers about the new perspectives opened up by original and daring research. At the beginning of each month, a new "history debate" will be posted on the Collège website. "