
Mathematician Piet Lammers currently holds a junior professorship at the CNRS, where he is attached to the Laboratoire de probabilités, statistique et modélisation (Sorbonne University). Originally from Groningen, he graduated from the University of Utrecht and pursued his thesis under the supervision of James Norris at the University of Cambridge. While at Cambridge, he stayed in a collaborative residency alongside three other Dutch-speaking mathematicians. In 2018, he was honored with the Smith-Knight and Rayleigh-Knight Essay Prize in recognition of some of his thesis work. Subsequently, he carried out postdoctoral research in the group headed by Hugo Duminil-Copin at IHES.

Piet Lammers' work focuses mainly on problems arising from statistical mechanics. By applying techniques from Combinatorics and probability theory, his research has made a significant contribution to understanding the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and spontaneous symmetry breaking in two dimensions. His scientific collaborations extend to various research groups in Europe, notably in France, Switzerland and Austria.

Piet Lammers is the winner of the Claude-Antoine Peccot Prize for 2023-2024.