
Olivier Delouis is a graduate of HEC, the Paris School of Economics (olim " Delta "), agrégé in history (Sorbonne University) and former member of theÉcole française d'Athènes. He holds a doctoratein Byzantine history from the University of Paris  1Panthéon-Sorbonne under the supervision of Michel Kaplan, and is currently a research fellow at the CNRS, Director of the Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance at the Institute of Civilizations, and Deputy Director of theUMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée / Monde Byzantin. Secretary of the Comité français des études byzantines (CFEB), he edited the Revue des études byzantines from 2012 to 2020 and was secretary of the Laboratoire d'excellence " Religions et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen " (RESMED). He has recently been assigned to the Maison française d'Oxford (UMIFRE 11, UAR 3129) from 2021 to 2024.

His main areas of interest are the history of Byzantine monasticism, hagiography, the homiletics of Theodore Stoudite, John VI Cantacuzene (ANR-12-JSH3-0001-01), the history of Byzantinology and the reception of Byzantium. Recent publications include three collective volumes, one on monastic mobilities with Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert and Annick Peters-Custot (2019), one on the discovery of Byzantium in Istanbul with Brigitte Pitarakis (2022), and one on the legacy of Basil of Caesarea with Annick Peters-Custot (2025). Current projects include the edition and translation of Theodore Stoudite'sGrandes Catéchèses (759-826), the publication of the scholarly correspondence of Athanasius Papadopoulos-Kerameus (1856-1912) and two volumes of proceedings in the Archives de l'Athoscollection .