
As a guest lecturer at Sciences-Po Rabat, International University of Rabat, I teach a Master 2 course entitled La politique musulmane de la France et l'islam dans les relations internationales au XXe et XXIe siècles.
My doctorate in history, specializing in religions and systems of thought (EPHE), highlighted the Christian articulation of France's Muslim policy in the 19th and 21stcenturies , and analyzed the impact of this articulation on France's policies in the Muslim world.
My work has focused on French religious policies in colonial and emigration contexts. It deals with the issues of French Muslim policy, Islam and North African/Muslim emigration to France.
My current research attempts to give a new reading to these issues by integrating inter-religious and inter-community relations in France and the Arab world, as well as the role played by Christian orientalists within the academic, diplomatic and military systems.
For several years, I also taught the history of the Arab East at INALCO as an instructor, ATER and assistant to Professor Henry Laurens.