
A former student at the École normale supérieure de Fontenay-St Cloud, agrégé d'histoire and doctor of the École pratique des hautes études, Hervé Reculeau is Associate Professor of Assyriology at the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures - West Asia and North Africa (ISAC) at the University of Chicago. His work lies at the intersection of environmental history, the history of technology, socio-economic history and the history of culture and mentalities. A specialist in documents in cuneiform script, which he brings into dialogue with a variety of disciplines (natural sciences, archaeology, anthropology), he is the author of monographs such as Climate, Environment, and Agriculture in Assyria in the Second Half of the Second Millennium BCE (2011) and Florilegium Marianum XVI. L'agriculture irriguée au royaume de Mari-essai d'histoire des techniques (2018), as well as numerous articles and presentations.

Hervé Reculeau is invited by the Collège de France assembly on the proposal of Professor Dominique Charpin, Mesopotamian Civilization chair.