Late Antique written culture and Byzantine papyrology

Online resources developed by Professor Fournet and his team

Aphrodito Online

Under construction. For the moment, only the iconographic part is accessible: The Dioscore archives of Aphrodite in images: The Byzantine Aphrodite papyrus image bank (BIPAb). This database virtually assembles the papyrus images from the village of Aphrodité (Dioscore and Phoibammon/Kollouthos archives), comprising over 650 pages and 1,250 documents.

Greek and Coptic fonts and keyboards

The IFAO-Greek Unicode font created by J.-L. Fournet and Ralph Hancock.
The first unicode Greek and Coptic font to include the diacritics and symbols needed for papyrological and specialized Greek editions. This font is now used by many journals.

The IFAO-Grec exposant font, designed by J.-L. Fournet and Ralph Hancock.
A font that works with the previous one, allowing Greek letters to be superimposed on other letters - especially in papyrological editions

Papyro Greek and Papyro Coptic keyboards designed by J.-L. Fournet and Ralph Hancock (for AZERTY, QWERTY and QWERTZ keyboards).
These keyboards allow you to enter Greek and Coptic in IFAO-Grec Unicode, with access to multiple special signs.

Download the IFAO-Greek Unicode font and instructions for use

Download the IFAO-Greek exhibitor policy

Palaeography tutorial " MultiPal "

Learn how to decipher ancient and medieval texts, especially Greek and Coptic papyri, with the "MultiPal" paleography tutorial! This online resource (launched by J.-L. Fournet, J. Olszowy-Schlanger, M. Smith and D. Stöckl Ben Ezra) is designed to make it easier to learn how to read ancient scripts, as well as providing an introduction to the typology and evolution of these scripts within each cultural area. It offers images of manuscripts, along with questionnaires and transcriptions suitable for self-correction, and resources for exchange with specialists.

Papyrological editions and studies freely available

This document, compiled by Loreleï Vanderheyden, contains links to editions of papyrological texts freely available on the Internet from the order of the Checklist of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets.

You can display the index in your browser's PDF reader simply by activating the document's bookmark display.

Virtual tour

In autumn 2021, the exhibition "Le papyrus dans tous ses États, de Cléopâtre à Clovis" (Papyrus in all its states, from Cleopatra to Clovis), curated by Professor Jean-Luc Fournet and organized at the Collège de France with the support of BRED and in partnership with the magazines L'Histoire and Télérama, has brought together in the grand foyer of the Collège de France some sixty items dating from ancient Egypt to the early Middle Ages, presenting the history of what for several millennia was the essential medium for writing throughout the Mediterranean.

We invite you to experience or relive your visit to this exhibition from a distance, using a smartphone, computer or even a virtual reality headset.


Collège de France

21/11/2023 : Arte Campus, Masterclass " What do papyri reveal to us ? "

06/20/2016 and 06/21/2016 : France Culture, L'éloge du savoir, " Late Antique written culture and Byzantine papyrology ".

03/31/2016 : " The Eastern Desert in Late Antiquity ", as part of the symposium " The Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Greco-Roman period : bilans archéologiques " (organized by J.-P. Brun).

18/09/2015 : " The impact of the Persian and Arab conquests on the practice of Greek in Egypt (7th-8th c.) ", as part of the chair " Religions, institutions and society in ancient Rome " (J. Sheid)

Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

15/01/2016 : Briefing note by Mr. Jean-Luc Fournet, " Le faux en écriture d'après la documentation papyrologique ".

06/01/2012 : Note d'information de M. Jean-Luc Fournet, directeur d'études à l'École pratique des Hautes Études, et deMme Anne Tihon : " Le papyrus Fouad Inv. 267 A et l'histoire de l'astronomie ancienne ".