Published on 23 September 2008

Watch the videos of the opening symposium - The origins of human dialogue: Word and music

Scientific Committee: J.-P. Changeux, R. Chartier, A. Compagnon, S. Dehaene, P. Dusapin, C. Petit, Professors at the Collège de France

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Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Morning: Chairman, Stanislas Dehaene, Collège de France

Photo Corvol Pierre Corvol
changeux Jean-Pierre Changeux
Introduction by Pierre Corvol, Administrator of the Collège de France and Jean-Pierre Changeux, Collège de France

From acoustic signal to perception

Christine Petit Christine Petit
Hearing: the physiological bases of hearing, Christine Petit, Collège de France

Jacques Bouvere... Jacques Bouveresse
Helmholtz and the physiological theory of music, Jacques Bouveresse, Collège de France

Speech and music: uniquely human?

Mice, chimpanzees and the molecular basis of language, Wolfgang Enard, Max-Planck-Institute of evolutionary Anthropology, Germany
Pierre-Yves Oud...
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Self-organization in the evolution of speech
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, INRIA
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Afternoon: Session chaired by Antoine Compagnon, Collège de France

Diversity of cultures, invariance of structures?

Luigi Rizzi Luigi Rizzi
How to formalize language diversity? Luigi Rizzi, University of Siena, Italy
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Simha Arom Simha Arom
Entre parole et musique : les langages tambourinés d'Afrique Centrale, Simha Arom, CNRS, langues- musiques-sociétés
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The invention of new modes of communication

Roger Chartier Roger Chartier
Capturing the living word: notating the music of speech, Roger Chartier, Collège de France

Michael Edwards Michael Edwards
Poetry and music: audible thought, Michael Edwards, Collège de France

Xavier Rodet Xavier Rodet
Synthesis of the spoken and sung voice, Xavier Rodet, IRCAM
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Concert by Donatienne Michel-Dansac, soprano
Computer music production IRCAM
Hèctor Parra : Strette / Georges Aperghis : Recitations (excerpts)

Friday, October 17th, 2008

Morning: Session chaired by Jean-Pierre Changeux, Collège de France

Plasticity and education

Learning to sing in birds: the importance of social influences, Martine Hausberger, Université de Rennes

Ghislaine Dehae... Ghislaine Dehaene
How do children learn their mother tongue? Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, CNRS, Centre NeuroSpin
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Helen Neville Helen Neville
Variability in brain plasticity: how can musical training improve cognition? Helen Neville, University of Oregon, U.S.A.
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Dialogue in failure

Isabelle Peretz Isabelle Peretz
L'échec du dialogue entre parole et musique dans le chant, Isabelle Peretz, Université de Montréal, Canada
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Monica Zilbovic... Monica Zilbovicius
The reasons for autism, Monica Zilbovicius, INSERM, CEA
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Afternoon: Session chaired by Christine Petit, Collège de France

From speech to song

Christian Loren... Christian Lorenzi
De la parole et du bruit : l'organisation de la compréhension orale, Christian Lorenzi, ENS, CNRS, Université Paris Descartes
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Claude Hagège Claude Hagège
Parole-chant : L'opéra, Claude Hagège, Collège de France

Music of language, language of music

Jean-Claude Ris... Jean-Claude Risset
Musique et parole, de l'acoustique au numérique, Jean-Claude Risset, CNRS - LMA
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4:00 pm Break
Peter Szendy Peter Szendy
"Parole, Parole, Parole", Peter Szendy, Université Paris X Nanterre
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Emmanuel Bigand Emmanuel Bigand
Emotion in musical language, Emmanuel Bigand, CNRS, Université de Bourgogne
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