The exhibition " Wines, oils and perfumes : an archaeological journey around the ancient Mediterranean ", is also a series of conferences open to all :
november 5 - 12:30 pm :" Tell me what you dig, and I'll tell you who you are. Jean-Pierre Brun and ancient crafts in the Mediterranean " by Emmanuel Botte
november 19 - 12:30 : " Women and beasts in the garrisons of the Egyptian Eastern Desert during the Hellenistic and Roman eras " by Hélène Cuvigny
december 3 - 12:30 : " Rome and Corsica or the impossibility of an island! " by Gaël Brkojewitsch
december 18 - 12:30 : " Au fil de la truelle. Archaeology through the eyes of documentary filmmakers " by Jean-François Dars and Anne Papillault
january 14 - 12:30 : " The Champagne Wine Museum and Regional Archaeology. When archaeology becomes child's play... Mediation and promotion for a wide audience " by Laure Ménétrier
The lectures will take place at the Institute of Civilizations of the Collège de France, 52 rue du Cardinal-Lemoine, 75005, Paris. Admission is free.