Autobiographies of contemporary mathematicians! This is the research focus of Odile Chatirichvili, a doctoral student in comparative literature at Grenoble Alpes University and temporary teaching and research associate (ATER) at the Collège de France.
Follow his webinar "Dans les récits des mathématiciens: une promenade avec Alexandre Grothendieck"!
This event, organized by the ChADoC association (Chercheurs Associés et Doctorants du Collège de France), will take place on April 27, 2022, from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm, via Zoom.
Webinar presentation:
In the stories of mathematicians: a walk with Alexandre Grothendieck
Alexandre Grothendieck, one of the greatest French mathematicians of the 20thcentury , recounts his life, his relationship with mathematics and the world of mathematicians in the thousands of pages of Récoltes et Semailles. Far from being incomprehensible, this text allows us to enter the mental workshop of a man who creates with mathematics and with words. Odile Chatirichvili, a doctoral student in comparative literature, invites you to join her in this webinar.
Many mathematicians have written autobiographies about their lives, especially since the mid-twentiethcentury . These accounts do more than give an account of their lives and careers: they take up the challenge of talking, in simple terms, about something as elusive as the moment of scientific discovery, or as abstract as mathematical objects. Studying these texts allows us to understand not only how these scientists think, but also how they construct the histories of their discipline.