
Recruitment of a CIRB Scientific Affairs Delegate F/M

The Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB) is seeking to recruit a Scientific Affairs Delegate.

Hosting structure

Unit: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology - CIRB - U 1050

Director: Marie-Hélène Verlhac

About the unit: CIRB has 280 staff, 20 research teams and 6 technology platforms. It is supervised by Inserm, CNRS and Collège de France, and is also attached to PSL University. CIRB develops fundamental research using both experimental and theoretical approaches. Research focuses on the fundamental mechanisms underlying biological processes in microbiology, cell biology, developmental biology, neuroscience, evolution and cancer biology. The CIRB is located in the center of Paris, in the 5th arrondissement, on the site of the Collège de France.

Website: https: //

Address: 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris

Regional Delegation: Paris IDF Centre-Est

Job profile

Missions : The CIRB is looking for a Scientific Affairs Delegate to implement and monitor the strategic orientations defined by Management, in order to support and develop the CIRB's national and international reputation by ensuring an efficient research environment. As a member of the Management Committee, the Head of Scientific Affairs will report directly to the Director of the Unit, and will interact closely with the General Secretary and the Head of the Center's Platforms.

Main responsibilities

  • Organize and monitor the Centre's scientific policy and objectives
  • Participate in the search for resources to support activities; identify and propose collective funding opportunities
  • Organize assistance with the preparation and drafting of funding applications, as well as with the resulting administrative and financial reports
  • Organize meetings of team leaders, CIRB boards and AGMs
  • Organize and coordinate SABs
  • Help organize the recruitment of team leaders and/or platform managers
  • Represent the Director and the CIRB: ITA juries, arbitration meetings for staff promotions, meetings with representatives of the supervisory authorities
  • Assist researchers in their dealings with institutions (regulations, bodies, contacts, etc.)

Secondary activities

  • Evaluate and present the results of actions undertaken, draw up reports
  • Promote and interface with partners (IDEX, EUR, Major Programs, etc.)
  • Promote scientific interactions and collaborations with other research centers
  • Develop and monitor sponsorship initiatives

Job specificity(ies)/constraints: Variability of working hours, if required


  • Role as advisor or decision-maker
  • Knowledge of the workings of research institutions
  • Knowledge of scientific evaluation procedures and principles
  • Knowledge of professional environment and networks
  • Fluency in English


  • Manage, evaluate and prioritize projects
  • Lead project workgroups
  • Writing reports and documents
  • Public speaking
  • Represent the organization


  • Proactivity and autonomy
  • Ability to make proposals
  • Creativity, ability to synthesize
  • Ability to convey the organization's values
  • Good interpersonal skills

Desired experience: Experience at a responsible level in the field of scientific support and management

Starting date: May 2025

Contact: Marie-Helene VERLHAC (marie-helene.verlhac[at]