
Publication of the opening lecture by Professor Didier Fassin

Print edition
Cover of the printed edition of Prof. Didier Fassin's opening lecture

Didier Fassin

Social sciences in times of crisis

" To name the crisis is often to run the risk of not thinking about it. "

Ecological, health, energy, economic, social, humanitarian, democratic : crises are an essential part of the contemporary world. While the social sciences can help to understand and resolve them, their role is also to question the language of crisis, to analyze the gap or convergence between reality and its representation : naming or silencing a crisis, exaggerating or minimizing it, are all processes that generate affects, temporalities and omissions with major consequences that critical thinking must decipher.

Drawing both on the life trajectories of famous figures in the human sciences and on research conducted on eloquent facts of the present, this opening lecture, which is addressed to all citizens, lays the groundwork for a vast ethical and political reflection, the necessity of which our times are constantly demonstrating.

Fassin D., Sciences sociales par temps de crise, Paris, Collège de France, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no  321, November 2023, 64  p.

ISBN : 978-2-7226-0628-9
Price :
12 €
Publication : 16  novembre 2023

Didier Fassin is an anthropologist, sociologist and physician. He holds the Chair in Moral Questions and Political Issues in Contemporary Societies at the Collège de France, and teaches at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.