
Publication of the opening lecture by Pr Esther Duflo

Print edition
Cover of the print edition of Esther Duflo's opening lecture

Esther Duflo

Experience, science and the fight against poverty (almost) fifteen years on

In the face of climate change, the fight against poverty remains a burning issue.

Over the past twenty years, a new method for studying economic development has emerged : the experimental approach . It consists of evaluating anti-poverty policies through pilot experiments conducted with the rigor of clinical trials . Fifteen
 years after her first  openinglecture , Esther Duflo takes stock of the successes and failures of these policies around the world.
Despite developments in certain areas, we are now at a tipping point
 : poverty is on the rise , and the consequences of global warming , of which the most disadvantaged countries will be the first victims, threaten to wipe out most of the gains we thought we had made. What lessons can we draw from this , given the urgency of the problems facing the world's poorest people ?

Duflo E., Expérience, science et lutte contre la pauvreté (presque) quinze ans après, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no 315, avril 2023, 112 p.

ISBN : 978-2-213-72553-6
Price : 12 €
Publication :19  April 2023

Esther Duflo is economist, professor at MIT, co-founder and co-director of J-PAL, co-director of J-PAL,actionlaboratory against poverty .   C olauréate en2019 du prix de la Banque deSuède en sciences économiques créé en mémoire d'Alfred Nobel, elle a éténommé en 2022 professeure au Collège de France, titulaire de la chairexml-ph-0030@de