
Photos from the CIRB photo contest are now available in the photo library

Epithelial cells on Cytodex beads. Nicole Quenech'du as part of Laurent Muller's project (S Germain team)
Epithelial cells on Cytodex beads. Nicole Quenech'du as part of Laurent Muller's project (S. Germain team).

The CIRB (Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie) organized a photography competition as part of its end-of-year seminar ; twenty-seven participants agreed to have their photos published and made available to all on the Collège de France photo library. You can discover these photos by typing " concours CIRB " in the search field on the home page, at :

The photo library includes teacher portraits, team portraits, photos taken during institutional events (opening lectures, seminars, European Heritage Days, official visits, etc.), photos of laboratories, architectural elements and works, as well as shots of heritage objects and documents (statues, paintings, books, archives, etc.). It contains ten thousand old and contemporary images that you can use for your reports, brochures or website pages, with credits indicated when you request a high-resolution image. Feel free to explore and use !

You can also submit photos of your work or events at the Collège de France.

The photo library is developed in Propixo by the Archives department.