Language, composition, interpretation and the reception of a musical score are the main threads of a journey through the lectures given by our teachers, a suggested itinerary in the Collège de France's audiovisual collection.
Find the complete cycles of lectures :
Stanislas Dehaene, Experimental Cognitive Psychology Chair, lectures 2016-2017
The Origins of Human Dialogue: Speech and Music, opening symposium 2008
Karol Beffa, Artistic creation chair, lecture 2012-2013
Philippe Manoury, Artistic creation chair, lecture 2016-2017
Pascal Dusapin, Chair of Artistic Creation, lecture 2006-2007
Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Chair of Artistic Creation, lecture 2008-2009
Christine Petit, Chair of Genetics and Cellular Physiology, lecture 2015-2016
Jean-Louis Cohen, Chair of Architecture and Urban Form, lecture 2016-2017