
Léon Bloy one hundred years on (1917-2017)

International symposium
Photo of Léon Bloy

November 8-10, 2017, at Collège de France and ENS.
Symposium organized by Pierre Glaudes and Jean-Baptiste Amadieu
(Centre d'étude de la langue et des littératures françaises - République des savoirs)

Listen to the lectures given on November 8, 2017 at the Collège de France

Bernard Sarrazin, " Lire Bloy au XXIe siècle. Laughter, violence and the sacred "
Pierre Glaudes, "Bloy the writer and the question of violence"
Fanny Arama, "Le Persécuté et le Persécuteur: énonciation polémique, violence verbale et logique sacrificielle dans l'œuvre de Léon Bloy."
Olivier Delouis, "Léon Bloy, figure of Byzantium"
Philippe Boutry, "La Salette et Mélanie. Léon Bloy and the inscription of God in history"
Hervé G. Picherit, "From prophetic intertextuality to intertextual prophecy: Léon Bloy, Henri Barbot and the Great War"
Marie-Catherine Huet-Brichard, "Don et contredon, Lettres aux Montchal (1884-1886)" (in French)
Éric Walbecq, "Le dossier Berthe Dumont" (The Berthe Dumont file)
Joseph Royer, "La notairesse et le mauvais pauvre" (on the meeting of Louise Petel and Léon Bloy)

For security reasons, audiences wishing to listen to the speeches at the Sorbonne on June 8 and 9 must register with Cécile Alrivie

This symposium is part of the national commemoration program organized by the French Ministry of Culture.