Published on 25 February 2022

Key dates in March 2022

Lectures at the Collège de France are open to the general public, with no conditions of access or prior registration, subject to availability and health regulations.

march events at the Collège de France

Opening lecture

Rémy Slama : Causes and external conditions of disease and health

March 31 2022 at 6 pm at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre) with live webcast on our website.

Rémy Slama is an environmental epidemiologist and Research Director at Inserm, where he heads the Institut thématique de santé publique and the environmental epidemiology team at the Institut pour l'avancée des biosciences (Inserm, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University). He holds a doctorate in epidemiology from the University of Paris-Sud (2002), and is a polytechnician and agricultural engineer.

He has been invited to hold the Public Health Chair at the Collège de France for 2021-2022, a chair created in partnership with the national agency Santé publique France.

Big event

European Night of Ideas at Collège de France

The Institut français and the Collège de France, in partnership with ARTE, give the floor to committed young people from the twenty-seven member states for a major evening of debate hosted by Emilie Aubry.

March 12 2022 from 8 pm to 11 pm at the Collège de France.

Guest speakers

Jenny Wallensten : Exploring the interface between men and gods in ancient Greece (3 lectures)

This series of three lectures explores the multiple fields of interaction between men and gods in ancient Greek society.

March 7, 14 and 21 2022 from 17 h to 18 h at the Collège de France (salle 2).

Jean-Pierre Devroey : Hail and thunder. Understanding bad weather in the peasant hinterland in the Middle Ages (4 lectures)

A series of four lectures on the theme " Of hail and thunder. Understanding bad weather in the peasant hinterland in the Middle Ages ".

March 9, 16, 23 and 30 2022 from 17 h 30 to 18 h 30 at the Collège de France (room 2).

Paul Nurse : What is life? (4 lectures)

Second lecture on March 11 2022 from 17 h 30 to 18 h 30 at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs).

Next lectures in the  series: May 13 and 20, 2022.

Paul Nurse is a geneticist and cell biologist who has worked on how the eukaryotic cell cycle is controlled. His main work has focused on cyclin-dependent protein kinases and how they regulate cell reproduction. He is Director of the Francis Crick Institute in London, Chancellor of the University of Bristol, and has been President of the Royal Society, Chief Executive of Cancer Research UK and President of Rockefeller University.

Jens Schröter : Why Did Christians Part From Judaism? A Fresh Look on the Relationship of Jews and Christians in the First Two Centuries CE? (1 lecture)

March 15 2022 from 17 h to 18 h at the Collège de France (salle 2).

The lecture has been postponed to June 8 2022.

Phillip A. Sharp : RNAInterference, from Discovery to Patients (1 lecture)

March 18 2022 from 18 h 30 to 11 h 30 at Collège de France (salle 2).

Ardem Patapoutian : How do you feel? The molecules that sense touch (1 lecture)

March 29 2022 from 19 h 30 to 20 h 30 at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre).

Maurizio Giangiulio : The many facets of Apollo in Metapontum : between tradition and innovation, locally and internationally (1 lecture)

March 30 2022 from 17 h to 18 h at the Collège de France (room 2).


Marc Fontecave : Bioinorganic chemistry in Paris

March 8 2022 at the Collège de France.

Jean-Pierre Brun : Samples in the ancient Mediterranean

The question of samples and their role in ancient economies is a vast subject, in need of more precise definitions and an appropriate framework. The aim of this meeting is to enable archaeologists, historians, papyrologists and jurists to engage in fruitful discussions and initiate collective reflection on the issue.

March 24 & 25 2022 at the Collège de France.

Dario Mantovani : Jacques Cujas 1522-2022. The making of a " grand juriste "

International colloquium organized by the Institute of Civilizations, in collaboration with the Bibliothèque Cujas, the Institut de recherche Montesquieu of the University of Bordeaux and the Institut universitaire de France.

March 28 and 29 2022 at the Collège de France.

Claude-Antoine Peccot lectures and awards

Emmanuel Lecouturier : Mazur's Eisenstein ideal (4 lectures)

Since 1885, thanks to an endowment from the family of mathematician Claude-Antoine Peccot, the Collège de France has awarded annual prizes to young mathematicians under the age of 30 who have distinguished themselves in the field of theoretical or applied mathematics.

Two last lectures of the cycle on March 3 and 4 2022 from 10 h to 12 h at the Collège de France (salle 5).