Published on 26 January 2022

Key dates in February 2022

Lectures at the Collège de France are open to the general public, with no conditions of access or prior registration, subject to availability and health regulations.

February events at the Collège de France

Opening lectures

Tatiana Giraud : Biodiversity dynamics and evolution: species formation, domestication and adaptation

February 17 2022 from 18 h to 19 h at the Collège de France (Marguerite de Navarre amphitheatre).

Director of research at the Ecology, Systematics and Evolution Laboratory (Orsay) and member of the French Academy of Sciences, Tatiana Giraud studies the evolutionary mechanisms that enable organisms to diversify and adapt to their environment. Her research has led to a better understanding of the emergence of new plant diseases in natural and agricultural ecosystems.

She has been invited for 2021-2022 to the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Chair at the Collège de France, a chair created with the support of the Jean-François and Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre Foundation.

Wendy Mackay : Reimagining our interactions with the digital world

February 24 2022 from 6 pm to 7 pm at the Collège de France (Marguerite de Navarre amphitheater).

Wendy Mackay is Director of Research at Inria (Saclay), and heads the Ex-Situ human-computer interaction (HCI) research group, which she shares with the Laboratoire de recherche en informatique (LRI - Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS). Internationally recognized in this discipline, she is a member of the ACM SIGCHI Academy (Association for Computing Machinery - Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction).

For the period 2021-2022, she has been invited to hold the Computer Sciences and Digital Science Chair at the Collège de France, created in partnership with Inria.

Guest speakers

Ido Israelowich : Judicial experts and medical examiners in the Roman world, between law, knowledge and everyday practice(4 lectures)

The proposed lecture series will touch on some of the most important areas of the Roman legal system, such as the law of civil liability, the allocation of risks in commercial activity, the verification of mens rea in criminal cases, parental rights and responsibilities and, more generally, the penetration of scientific trends within the court of justice.

First and second lectures in the cycle on April 2 and 9 2022, from 11 h to 12 h at the Collège de France (room 2).

Next lectures in the cycle : April 13 and 20 2022.

Angelika Nussberger : The two Europes and their constitutional traditions: a history of avoidable misunderstandings or insurmountable differences ? (4 lectures)

February 3, 4, 10 and 11 2022 from 17 h to 18 h at the Collège de France (amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé).

Invited by the Collège de France assembly, at the suggestion of Prs Samantha Besson, Edith Heard, Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge and Thomas Römer, Angelika Nussberger is an international judge at the Constitutional Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina and a former judge at the European Court of Human Rights.

As part of the Collège de France's 2021-2022 Europe cycle, devoted to the theme of The Two Europes, she is giving a series of four lectures on the question : " The two Europes and their constitutional traditions : a history of avoidable misunderstandings or insurmountable differences ? ".

Stacie Friend : Fiction and the World (2 lectures)

February 10 and 17 2022 from 11 h to 12 h at Collège de France (salle 2).

Invited by the Collège de France assembly, at the suggestion of Professor François Récanati, Stacie Friend has been teaching and researching philosophy at Birkbeck College (University of London) since 2005. Stacie Friend is President of the British Society of Aesthetics and organizer of the annual London Aesthetics Forum organized by the Institute of Philosophy (University of London).

As part of the Philosophy of Language and Mind Chair, Stacie Friend will give a series of two lectures on her main research theme, fiction, on which she is a world-renowned specialist.

Paul Nurse : What is life? (4 lectures)

First lecture on February 25 2022 from 17 h 30 to 18 h 30 at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs).

Next lectures in the  series: March 11, May 13 and May 20, 2022.

Paul Nurse is a geneticist and cell biologist who has worked on how the eukaryotic cell cycle is controlled. His main work has focused on cyclin-dependent protein kinases and how they regulate cell reproduction. He is Director of the Francis Crick Institute in London, Chancellor of the University of Bristol, and has been President of the Royal Society, Chief Executive of Cancer Research UK and President of Rockefeller University.


Henry Laurens : The Arab world in French-language comics

In the 20th century, the images of the contemporary Arab world conveyed by French-language comics were aimed at a young audience, creating a whole imaginary world. Today, they are aimed more at adults, expressing the conflicts, exile and dual cultures of today's Arab world. Over the course of two centuries, the messages of this committed art, imbued with a pleasant, stereotypical vision, have been transformed and replaced by much harsher political realities. This symposium is part of the Year of the Comic Strip at the Collège de France, and parallels the events associated with it.

February 18 2022 at the Collège de France.

François Recanati : Frontiers of fiction

Round table with Patrick Boucheron (Collège de France), Pascal Engel (EHESS), Stacie Friend (University of London/Collège de France), Françoise Lavocat (Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle), François Recanati (Collège de France) and William Marx (Collège de France).

February 21 2022 at Collège de France.

Claude-Antoine Peccot lectures and awards

Since 1885, thanks to an endowment from the family of mathematician Claude-Antoine Peccot, the Collège de France has awarded its annual prize to young mathematicians under 30 who have distinguished themselves in the field of theoretical or applied mathematics.

Recent laureates Emmanuel Lecouturier and Pierrick Bousseau will each be giving a series of four lectures to showcase their recent research.

From February 7 to March 4 2022 at the Collège de France.