Thursday, June 12
8:30 a.m.: Welcome
9 h 15 : Introduction
9:30 a.m.: Historical sources of plurality
Brian Stock (University of Toronto)
10:00 : Mental manipulation of points of view: one of the foundations of tolerance?
Alain Berthoz (Collège de France)
10:30 a.m.: The origins of cultural dialogue in children
Olivier Houdé (Université Paris Descartes and Institut Universitaire de France)
11:00 a.m.: Break
11:15 a.m.: Children's use of language and development of the ability to master multiple points of view
Edy Veneziano (Université Paris Descartes - CNRS)
11:45 : Cognitive development during adolescence
Stephanie Burnett and Sarah Blakemore (University College, Cognitive Neuroscience Center. London)
12 h 15 : General discussion
12 h 30 : Lunch
2:00 pm: Dialogue of interpretations: Giorgione's Tre filosofi
Francisco Jarauta (University of Murcia)
2:30 pm: Pragmatics of interpretation
Dan Sperber (École Normale Supérieure. Institut Jean Nicot. CNRS)
3:00 pm: Plurality of viewpoints and culture: reflections on cultural conflict
Carlo Severi (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and Collège de France)
3:30 pm: Break
3:45 pm: Emotion and political persuasion: readings from Robespierre
Sara Cigada (University of Milan)
4:15 pm: What is it to you? Spatial perspectives in language and brain
Mikkel Wallentin (Center for Semiotics and Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark)
16:45: Politeness and point of view in Italian Renaissance dialogues
Annick Paternoster (Universities of Leeds and Lugano)
5:15 pm: General discussion