The Collège de France and theIstituto Universitario di Studi Superiori of Pavia invite you to the Presentation of two volumes published by the Centro di Studi e Ricerche sui Diritti Antichi (CEDANT) on Friday September 13th, at 5.30pm, at the Collège de France (Room 5).
- Jean-Louis Ferrary, Recherches sur les lois comitiales et sur le droit public romain, Pavia, IUSS Press, 2012.
- Michel Humbert, Antiquitatis effigies. Recherches sur le droit public et privé de Rome, Pavia, IUSS Press, 2013.
With contributions from :
- Jean-Michel David, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris I
- Aldo Schiavone, Professor at the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane