
Lessons focused on ancient documents, such as " The autobiographical staging of the Augustan principate " (the Res Gestae Diui Augusti) and Plutarch's " Roman Questions ", or on a historical and archaeological theme, such as " an imaginary Walk in old Rome ". Other courses were devoted to elements of Roman religion : " Religion and politics in the early Empire " ; " Religious life in the quarters of imperial Rome " ; " Religions and communities in the quarters of Rome " ; " Sacrifice to the emperor, sacrifice for the emperor. Le culte des empereurs sous le Haut-Empire romain " ; " Le culte des eaux et des sources dans le monde romain " ; "  Iustafacere. Le culte des morts dans l'Italie antique et les provinces septentrionales de l'Empire " ; " La religion dans Tite-Live " ; " Dieux de Rome, dieux des Romains. Reflections on Roman theologies " ; " Privatim deos colere. Reflections on private cults in Rome and the Western Roman world ". Finally, the course also examined social issues (" La cité, l'individu, la religion "), or topographical issues (" Le suburbium. Recherches sur l'organisation religieuse du territoire de Rome ").

Seminars focused on sanctuaries and cults in Italy and the Roman world, and on the notion of religious landscape (eight seminars). Two seminars dealt with funerary rites and necropolises. Other seminars examined details of an ancient text (Res Gestae Diui Augusti), peregrine cults or the work of a scholar (G. Marini), the notion of work, and the auspice system.