What was the reception of Sigmund Freud at the Collège de France, " incubator " of scientific innovation ? This is the question the authors of the studies in this volume attempt to answer, by focusing on a number of professors at the Collège de France, whose readings and work mark the reception of Freudian ideas in France : Alfred Maury, Pierre Janet, Henri Bergson, Paul Valéry, Marcel Mauss, Émile Benveniste, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean-Pierre Vernant, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michel Foucault. These studies include contributions to the colloquium " Freud au Collège de France, 1885-2016 ", held on June 16 and 17, 2016 at the Collège, and organized as part of the research program " Passage des disciplines ", directed by Antoine Compagnon, in collaboration with Céline Surprenant. This program looks at the evolution of subjects taught from the late 18th century to the 1960s at the Collège, in relation to other major Parisian, French and international establishments. Freud au Collège de France inaugurates the " Passage des disciplines " collection, and within it, a series of volumes dedicated to the reception at the Collège de France of " fondateurs de discursivité ", to use Michel Foucault's expression, including Darwin (2019), Einstein and Durkheim (2020).
Publication : December 4 2018
Book available in digital version, Freemium open access on the OpenEdition Books portal.