
Digital publication of Prof. Christian Gollier's opening lecture

Digital publishing
Couverture de l'édition numérique de la LI du Pr Christian Gollier

Christian Gollier

Between the end of the month and the end of the world : saving our responsibilities towards humanity

" Future generations will experience climate change whose intensity will depend on the sacrifices we make to face up to our responsibilities. There is still time to act. Nevertheless, faced with the myriad of possible actions, which ones should rationally be implemented, at what cost, at what intensity, and when ? If it's clear that we've so far favored the " end-of-month " approach, how far should we go to take greater account of the very long-term impacts of our efforts, and their sustainability ? How much confidence can we place in economic growth and scientific research ? In his opening lecture, Christian Gollier presents two decisive operational tools for identifying the actions to be implemented for the  climate: the discount rate and the value of carbon. "

Gollier C., Entre fin de mois et fin du monde : économie de nos responsabilités envers l'humanité, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no 306, 2022.

Documents and media

Christian Gollier is an economist. He is visiting professor at the Collège de France's annual Avenir Commun Durable chair (2021-2022), created with the support of the Fondation du Collège de France and its sponsors Covéa and TotalEnergies.