
Colloquium " Mathematics at work 

October 13 and 14 at the Collège de France

Organized by Odile Chatirichvili of Prof. Menger's Sociology of Creative Work Chair, Laurence Dahan-Gaida and Cindy Gervolino of CRIT (Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires et Transculturelles), the " Les mathématiques à l'œuvre " symposium, held over two days, brings together researchers in literary studies, mathematics, philosophy, history and sociology of science, as well as writers and artists, to explore the multiple relationships between mathematics and literature, from the point of view of creation and aesthetics. Supported by the Fondation du Collège de France, the aim of the symposium is to study how mathematics nourishes and transforms literature, how creative work in literature and mathematics is articulated, and how the specific relationship between mathematics and aesthetics and beauty can play a role in artistic creation. In the longer term, the colloquium is intended to kick-start collective interdisciplinary research on these issues.

Following a first part in April 2023 in Besançon, the second part of the colloquium " Mathématiques à l'œuvre " brought together on October 13 and 14 at the Collège de France researchers in literary studies, mathematics and the social sciences, as well as artists such as Olga Paris-Romaskevich (research fellow, scriptwriter, co-founder of the Mathématiques Vagabondes association), David Bessis (mathematician and author of Mathematica, Seuil, 2022), Laurent Derobert (mathematician and visual artist working on existential mathematics) and Michèle Audin (mathematician and writer, member of OuLiPo).

Poster for the "Mathématiques à l'oeuvre" conference on October 13 and 14, 2023