
Colloquium " Karl Marx at the Collège de France 

Colloquium organized by Professors Antoine Compagnon and Pierre-Michel Menger, and the " Passage des disciplines : histoire globale du Collège de France, XIXe-XXe siècle " program. June 8 and 9 2023 in the Marguerite de Navarre amphitheatre at the Collège de France (Marcelin Berthelot site).

Karl Marx at the Collège de France

The work of Karl Marx and the various "Marxisms" to which it gave rise had an impact on the development of the humanities and social sciences from the end of the 19th century in France, beyond their political and ideological influence. The uses to which Marx's work was put, the influence of his ideas and political program, and the resistance they provoked, touch on the history of socialism and workers' movements in France and around the world, the rise of political economy in the 19th century, anti-German prejudice in France, the rise and decline of communism in the 20thcentury , and the political and intellectual activism of the 1960s and 1970s. Their study outlines a vast field of research, rarely approached as a whole.