
Colloque " Avenir : quel temps d'attente ? "


Collège de France symposium as part of the Avenir Commun Durable initiative.

May 10, 2022

  • Collège de France
    Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre
    11, place Marcelin-Berthelot
    75005 Paris

The Avenir Commun Durable - Energy, Environment, Society initiative was born in 2021 from the desire of Collège de France professors to take action on the challenges of climate change. On May 10, it is organizing its second symposium: "Avenir : quel temps d'attente ?" (Future: what time to wait?)

The time in which we live, that of the "ecological transition", is characterized by feelings of urgency that accompany waiting. Questions are multiplying in the face of uncertainty: when will the changes so often heralded take place, for better or for worse? This colloquium aims to analyze the notion of time and that of forecasting, adopting the form of an interdisciplinary dialogue.

With the participation of :

  • Philippe Aghion, Collège de France professor, economist, Green innovation and the cost of delay
  • Patrick Boucheron, Collège de France professor, historian, Histoire du temps qui manque (History of missing time)
  • Serge Haroche, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France, physicist, Nobel Prize 2012, Time in physics
  • Hervé Le Treut, professor at Sorbonne University, climatologist, former IPCC member, Les temps du changement climatique : prévisions
  • Dario Mantovani, Collège de France professor, jurist and legal historian, Forecasting and visions of time
  • Béatrice Parance, professor at the University of Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, jurist, Temps, nature et droit (Time, nature and law)
  • Sylvain Piron, director of studies at EHESS, historian, Forecasting, prophecy and ecology
  • Jean-Marie Tarascon, professor at the Collège de France, chemist, Nouvelles technologies: quel temps du concept au produit?
  • Claudine Tiercelin, Collège de France professor, philosopher, The philosophical notion of time

Two round tables will conclude the morning and afternoon sessions. They will be moderated respectively by Christian Gollier, guest professor at the Collège de France, economist, and Thierry Derez, Chairman and CEO of Covéa.

The initiative, and this symposium, are supported by the Fondation du Collège de France, its patrons Faurecia and Saint-Gobain, and its major patrons Fondation Covéa and TotalEnergies, who also helped create the Avenir Commun Durable chair.