
Collège de France: get to know... François Héran!

For the second year running, the City of Paris library network, in partnership with the Collège de France, is hosting a bimonthly event focusing on the major intellectual and scientific issues of our time at the Marguerite Yourcenar media library (15th arrondissement). The " Collège de France : faire connaissance ! " series regularly invites a professor to a public meeting to discuss the issues raised by his or her research, and the profession and role of the researcher in contemporary society. Free admission, booking essential.

Collège de France: getting to know each other!

François Héran, Professor at the Collège de France and holder of the Migrations and SocietiesChair , will givea lecture on Saturday 23 November 2024 at 11 h, entitled " Paris, France, Europe: what migratory reality ? ", in the company of Marie Poinsot, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Hommes et migrations.

The conference will take place at the Marguerite Yourcenar media library, 41 rue d'Alleray, Paris 15e.

Since 2000, the proportion of immigrants in the populations of host countries has been rising steadily in Europe, with a few exceptions. Public opinion is becoming increasingly concerned. In many countries that were once reputed to be welcoming, elections are now played out on the migration issue, to the detriment of major problems such as the climate crisis, the public deficit and the state of healthcare systems.
We will examine not only France's position in this European movement, but also the implementation of public policies that disperse asylum seekers across the regions - a policy now illustrated by the current regionalization of the National Court of Asylum. In particular, the question arises as to the equitable distribution of reception resources between Europe's " capital regions " - of which Île-de-France  - and other territories, which aspire to greater autonomy.

François Héran, a philosopher by training and holder of two theses in anthropology, is also a sociologist and demographer. He has had a dual career at INSEE, where he was head of demographic surveys and studies from 1993 to 1998, and at INED, which he directed from 1999 to 2009. He currently heads theInstitut Convergences Migrations, which supports the research of around 500 researchers from all disciplines, and runs the Migrations master's degree program accredited by EHESS and Paris 1. In 2017, François Héran was appointed Chair of Migrations and Societies at the Collège de France.

These lectures, aimed at the general public, reflect the variety of disciplines present at the Collège de France : history, economics, sociology, literature, but also biology, chemistry, mathematics and evolutionary sciences are all involved.

With this new event, the libraries of the City of Paris are fulfilling their mission to disseminate knowledge and combat misinformation by offering the public opportunities to decode and explore certain areas of knowledge in greater depth. The aim is also to open a window onto the world of research and how it works, and to bring Parisians closer to an exceptional institution, the Collège de France, which has been at the heart of the city's intellectual and scientific life for five centuries.