
Calcul économique et valeur carbone " conference, November 21 

November 21, 2006 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m

  • Collège de France
    3, rue d'Ulm
    11, place Marcelin-Berthelot
    75005 Paris

The introduction of global climate policies has led to the emergence of prices for reducing emissions of the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. These prices can be explicit - like those appearing on emissions permit markets - or they can be implicit - in the sense that they can be deduced from the choices made. Today, they are highly heterogeneous, both between countries and between sectors within a single country.
Should we now recommend displaying a uniform carbon value, or differentiated values, to guide choices and in particular public choices in France ?

This question echoes the work undertaken by the Energy Commission set up by the public authorities last June.


9:30 a.m.: Putting things into perspective - R. Guesnerie

10 h - 10 h 30 : From the Boiteux report to current issues raised by the Syrota Commission - L. Baumstark and Ph. Mills (Centre d'Analyse Stratégique, ex Plan)

10 h 45 - 12 h 30 : Interventions

  • Abatement costs and long-term signals - P. Criqui, (IEPE Grenoble)
  • Tax or permit: the case of transport - C. Raux, (LET Lyon)

14 h - 15 h 30 : Interventions

  • Reflections on the IPCC synthesis - J.C Hourcade, (CIRED)
  • On price signals sent by markets - C. de Perthuis (Caisse des Dépôts), F. Lecoq ( ENGREF-INRA).

15 h 45 - 17 h 15 : Interventions

  • A. Bernard (CGPC), C. Cros (MEDD) and E. Quinet (CGPC), J.Maurice (CGPC)
  • General discussion

17 h 15 : Provisional conclusions: R. Guesnerie.