
Wajdi Mouawad grew up in Lebanon, became a teenager in Paris and a young adult in Quebec. A 1991 graduate of Canada's National School of Dramatic Arts, he has adapted and directed contemporary and classical plays, as well as his own texts. Artistic director of the Théâtre de Quat'Sous in Montreal in 2000, then of the Théâtre français du Centre National des Arts in Ottawa in 2007, he was associate artist at the 63rd Avignon Festival, where he created Le Sang des Promesses with Littoral, Incendies, Forêts and Ciels. He then reappropriated the tragedies of Sophocles, including his solo Inflammation du verbe vivre, before creating the Domestique cycle with Seuls ,which he performed on tour, Sœurs and Mère. Director of La Colline - théâtre national since 2016, he presents Tous des oiseaux, Notre innocence, Fauves, Mort prématurée d'un chanteur populaire dans la force de l'âge, Littoral and Racine carrée du verbe être. Published in 2012, his second novel Anima has won several awards.

After staging Mozart's L'Enlèvement au sérail and Enesco's Œdipe in 2021, he will soon devote his time to Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande at the Paris Opéra and Gluck's Iphigénie en Tauride at the Opéra-Comique, as well as two of his first texts ,Journée de noces chez les Cromagnonsand Willy Protagoras enfermé dans les toilettes at La Colline.