
Lucrezia Reichlin is Professor of Economics at London Business School, a non-executive director of AGEAS Insurance Group and Eurobank Ergasias SA, as well as Chairman and co-founder of Now-Casting Economics Ltd, and a trustee of the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation.

She is also a regular contributor to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera and to Project Syndicate.

Lucrezia Reichlin holds a PhD in Economics from New York University. She has held a number of academic positions. From 2005 to 2008, she was Director General of Research at the European Central Bank. From 2009 to April 2018, she was non-executive director of the Unicredit banking group, and from 2013 to 2016, a member of the scientific board of the think tank Bruegel.

She has been an active contributor to London's Centre for Economic Policy Research for many years. She was Research Director from 2011 to 2013, then the first Chair of the CEPR Euro Area Business Cycle Dating Committee, and co-founder of the Euro Area Business Cycle network, of which she is now a director.

She is also a member of the Société d'économétrie, the British Academy, the European Economic Association and the Academia Europeae.

In 2016, she was awarded the Birgit Grodal Prize and the Isaac Kertenetzky Prize.

Lucrezia Reichlin has published widely in econometrics and macroeconomics. She is an expert in forecasting, trade cycle analysis and monetary policy. In particular, she has pioneered the development of econometric methods that enable a data stream to be read in real time from the perspective of a formal econometric model. These methods are now widely used by central banks and private investors worldwide.

His work has appeared in specialized journals such as theAmerican Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Econometrics, the Journal of Monetary Economics and the Journal of the American Statistical Association.